

Same day Transport or Transfers

We offer a range of same day transport services from Hokitika and within the West Coast area. For example we offer transport from Hokitika to Franz Josef Glacier - transfer only $420.00 for 1 to 4 people then discounted per person thereafter Please contact us for further details [email protected] or 0210 232 5363.

Need Transport to Local Tramping Tracks?

Let us transport you to any of the beautiful walkways or tramping tracks within our local area. From easy to advanced fitness there is something for all. Heading to the West Coast via Three Passes or Whitcombe Pass? Book for your pick-up or drop-off deserve it.

Hokitika scenic tours Mercedes HST
Roberts Point Track, Franz Josef, West Coast. Image credit: Geoff Marks

Local West Coast Tracks

Lake Kaniere Water Race Walkway Pleasant bush walk, rich in history. Follows still used Kaniere Forks power station water race. Easy / moderate: 2 x Options 1 hour return or 3-4 hours one way Mt Tuhua Track Great views of Southern Alps, Lake Kaniere, coastal plains, and Hokitika. ​ Advanced: 7-hour duration Mt Brown Hut This hut has magnificent views of Lake Kaniere, Hokitika, and out to sea. The hut includes fire and bunk beds.​ Moderate: 3-5 hour duration Lake Kaniere Walkway Lush forest, great lake & mountain views, bays & beaches. One way. Moderate: 4-hour duration Mananui Tramline - Lake Mahinapua Walkway Following an old logging tramline, the track reveals many old relics of the 1885 sawmilling activities. Easy: 2.5 hours duration

Get a Quote

Need transport somewhere on the West Coast? Let us know where you are going and we'll be in touch shortly.

"Great for Trampers

If you are a tramper looking for track relocation services, then these guys provide a fantastic service. And if you have an inReach or other satellite device you can rearrange services to suit the West Coast weather 😁

They provide some regularly scheduled services, but lots of custom services too. This allowed me to completely change my exit point while sitting on the deck of Top Crawford Hut."
Andrew Cave
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